Have you ever got to a point in your life where you were scared to do something because that goes outside of "comfortable"? You think or dream of something you want to do... take a vacation, ask a person out, break up with the person you're with, or just plain do something different with your life. But for some reason it never goes beyond a thought or a day dream; all because you've gotten so comfortable with the way your life is now, that you don't want to risk changing it for the better.
Now let me clarify that there are two types of comfortable. There is the comfortable where "you are happpy with where your life is at and the goals that your life is heading toward", that is the good comfortable. Then there is the "I'm not really happy with where my life is at or where it's going, but it's still a good life to have and I don't want to risk losing it", thats the bad comfortable.
When did we start living a life that someone else would want, and stop living for the life that we have wanted our whole lives? Life is not about being comfortable, because comfortable leads to complacency, and complacency leads to taking the things in your life for granted. Once you start taking things for granted, you lose that natural instinct to live life to its fullest.
You do the same things every day, day in and day out, not because you want to but because you dont know how to travel outside of "your box". I understand that not everyone can be bold, and go after the things they want in life, or pursue something different because of fear. Fear of failing, fear of losing people that don't agree with your choices, and fear of being disappointed if you don't find what you are looking for.
To those people I say this...if you never try, you will always wonder. Life is about failure, but it's how far you bounce back from that failure that measures your worth. You might fail a hundred times before you find what you are looking for...but actually finding what completes you far outweighs any heartbreak you would of endured along the way. There is pain, suffering, and hardships along the broken road, but it leads to a place filled with happiness, love, and laughter. You will lose the people you thought were your friends, but you will gain totally devoted ones in return. You might leave behind a life that's not for you in search for one that is, and in the end you just might find what you are looking for.
It's not the end that is important, it's how you get there. We will all end up in a casket someday, it may be tomorrow, or it may be 70 years from now; but how you get there is up to you. Do you want to arrive at that casket safe, unscratched, and comfortable saying "I wish I had done more"...or do you want to slide in head first, scarred and broken from life screaming "that was one hell of a ride"? And who would you rather have at that funeral... the hundreds of people that don't know you...or the handful of ones that truly do?
Live life for today and not for tomorrow. Pursue the things in life you want and don't become complacent with the things you have. Love the ones that need your love in return and forget about the ones that don't. And above all have a great time doing it!!