Monday, March 31, 2008


Meetings, meetings, meetings. Some days, like yesterday, I feel like my day begins and ends in meetings. And I'm not even a manager.

Below, the top 10 things we hate about meetings:

1. Disorganized, rambling meetings: 27%
2. People who interrupt peers and try to dominate the meeting: 17%
3. Cell phone interruptions: 16%
4. People who fall asleep in meetings: 9%
5. Meetings with no bathroom breaks: 8%
6. Long meetings without refreshments: 6%
7. People leaving early or arriving late: 5%
8. People who check their mobile phone during meetings: 5%
9. Meetings starting late: 4%
10. No written recap of the meeting outcomes: 4%

That last point is interesting. It gets me to think: do most meetings lack a point? If so, why meet? Why hasn't someone come up with a drug that lets you be at a meeting but also shopping for groceries? Are there meetings in heaven? Or hell?

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