Wednesday, October 29, 2008

my favourite quotes PArt 1

" The experiences that we encountered every day are the best lessons because they teach us how to become more mature and a better person in the future."

" It takes only "1" to change a relationship. It takes "2" to make it work."

" Just control your anger and temper for few HOURS and you can rule your life for YEARS."

" Being honest with others starts by being honest with yourself."

" Don't let your history interfere with your destiny."

" It is not always just about being responsible for your actions but also take into consideration the effects of your actions on others. They might be your loved ones and it might be too late for you to realize you've lost them and will never, ever, have them again."

" It's best to get involved with someone that has learned from their mistakes rather than being with someone that has yet to discover their future regrets."

" Be careful what you say to me today, for tomorrow you may wish you had never spoken."

" Moving on doesn't mean you gave up... it means you've found faith."

" Do not judge others by your own thoughts. They are living a different life than you are. What might be good for one person may not be good for another. What might be bad for one person might change another person's life. Allow people to make their own mistakes or their own decisions. We learn and grow with each decision and/or mistake that we make...but again, what might be a mistake for you would be a blessing for someone else."

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