Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My life is good

My life is good. I mean, I have a plan, I have goals, I have dreams.
And yeah, I don't have someone to argue with, or someone who loves me for me, hell!
But, overall, my life is good. I have a great job . And I have good friends.
I'm, you know, happy.
Some people have been bothering me about finding someone, and when my friends talk to me about issues in their relationships, I get frustrated, but secretly depressed...but not like in a, "I hate my life," kind of why...mostly its just this deep sadness in my heart. Of course I want to find someone who at least wants me, and I want all those things that come with a relationship, but I'm willing to wait. I don't see why I have to rush it.


Anonymous said...

question: something happen with u recent relationsip ka? ( i dont mind if u dont want to answer it.. :) ) Masih muda bah moii.. Love will find a way..

Burn Pahirah said...

Just want to share this with you...

Life is to short.. To wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people treat you right.. Forget about the ones who don't and Believe everything happens for a reason.. If you get a chance, Take it... If it changes your life, Let it.. Nobody said it'd be easy.. They just promised it would be worth it..

alishaz said...'s come and go...its like a gambling...either u win or not... No matter how u the end u have to stand up and try again...coz to find a true love is aint easy..u have to gone thru all the difficulty then only that u will cheerish it.

Burn-thanks for advicing me all the way..i do cheerish it....

LaViaP said...

so this is the cause of your episode of insomnia. you dont need to worry about it. it will come to your way. betul tu cakap c burn ;)

Anonymous said...

relaks there ..take it easy..stop hating yourself ..sometimes you can be so positive about yourself..sometimes.. hating yourself like you never wished to exist in this world is beautiful but can be unfair at is not about gambling ..i dont believe in that ...but everything happens for a reason...but it affects your life alot changes a person into someone better or worse i dont take it too hard...