Sunday, January 11, 2009

what makes me happy

Surprised because it actually reminded me of the importance of simplicity in one's life. It also made me realize that it is actually very simple to be happy. Read on.. you might be surprised for the same reasons.

What makes me happy....

My friends ask me,
What makes me so happy,
I always ignore this question,
And start surfing on my lappy. (lol)
But today i feel that there's a point in what they ask,
I wonder if its really me or do I always wear a mask?!

I love movies
I love to listen music
I am the happiest one when im with someone i LOVE
I laugh a lot
I enjoy everytime im chilling with my dear friends
I play a lot,
But study as well,
I work hard on my Job

I don't hate anyone coz i believe in karma
I don't feel jealous coz i know everyone got they own speciality
i thank God for this,
and simply mind my own business!

Then they ask me,
What special do I do,
Then i say, I love to make my friends HAppy.


Anonymous said...

fren..pls update ur blog.. sy mimang mls mau update blog tp suka meng'read blog urg.. that is how i experience others life.. hehehe

alishaz said...

hahaha..yabah lama suda...tpi dun worry...wen i Free,,,i will catch up hahahhaha..