Monday, May 26, 2008


It's funny how much things change. It's funny how much people change. In my life change always seems to be drastic and unexpected. While those types of change are hard to handle at the time, they are apparent, and therefore can be dealt with in a more logical way.

The changes that I've noticed lately are so diminutive and gradual you don't even realize they are occurring until you look at their result on your life over a long period of time. People come into your life and influence you, and you in turn influence others. All these things change who we are. The person who was your best friend in high school may now be a completely different person than you knew then.

It's almost sad to me. Why can't we hold on to what's dear to us? It's like we don't have any choice in the matter. Things change, people change, and that's just the way it is. Every little thing we do, every person we come in contact with changes us in some small way. Every experience combined is the sum of who we are. It's scary that the small choices we make now can have such a large effect on our future.

I remember being 15 and thinking I was grown...thinking I knew everything. I look back on those years and I know how naive I was. I am so different now than I was then, and I'm only 25. What will I be like in 8 more years? The possibilities are vastly overwhelming. I just hope that I can hold on to what gives me a sense of self... what i believe in, my family, and my friends who are my strength.

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